The many places we visited on this Ancient Crossroads itinerary highlighted the importance of human interaction and exchange. When diverse people come together, whether because of trade, evangelization or adventure, ideas flow. Sometimes the intention may be hostile – greed, power, subversion, but the intermixing of diverse cultures always produces something – an idea, a new belief, a change of thinking. This fosters innovation and has caused humankind to learn and advance, century after century, decade after decade, year after year.

Today these exchanges happen easily, thanks to technology and transportation. One can’t help but admire these ancient crossroad travelers who traversed continents and oceans, endured hardships and ventured into the unknown to engage and interact with others. Their crossroads, whether ancient or modern, have enriched mankind and bettered civilization. I am grateful to these courageous wanderers and fortunate to have followed in some of their footsteps, seeing the places they built and learning about the history they made.

March, 2023